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Active Gel

this product belongs to the group: Profilactic » Gel

product code: 05_0427

product description:

 Active Gel – delicately moulded insoles made of soft gel with good elasticity and 3D knitting, this structure lets moisture drain away from the surface of the feet. They provide great comfort because they isolate the feet from hard ground, increase their support surface and reduce pressure on the feet, especially in the forefoot. They reduce soreness and the feeling of tired feet. They are recommended for people with forefoot overload, longitudinal flat foot, diabetics without diabetic foot syndrome and patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Also for pregnant women and people in jobs that require standing and / or moving about. The insoles can be washed in lukewarm water with mild soap and then put to dry away from heat sources.

Size: 35/36 - 45/46


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