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Bamboo & Alum Relax

this product belongs to the group: Profilactic » Comfort

product code: 03_0122

product description:

The insoles are designed for activity people. They use foot longitudinal arch support and a metatarsal support which preferably varies the distribution of pressure on the metatarsal heads. At the back part there is a element cushioning micro shocks, created during heel strike a hard surfaces while walking.
Insoles consist of the following layers: the terrycloth bamboo fibers, latex foam with activated charcoal, with crystals of potassium alum and profiled material. Bamboo fibers, alum and activated carbon, thanks to their properties, have an impact on reducing the formation of odor. The outer material which is directly in contact with the foot, absorbs sweat, ensuring freshness and hygiene of your feet on every day basis. Latex foam layer provides a soft feel, increasing comfort while walking.
Recommended for people with sensitive and rheumatoid feet, athletes and both, performing both standing or require the intensive walking activity.


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