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this product belongs to the group: Foot Morning

product code: 103_7001

product description:


Plus 12” gauge

  • is used to measure the length of the child's foot and the inner shoe length in order to select the correct size of new footwear, and to check whether the shoes used by the child are not too small

  • created by the R&D Department of Kinderfüße-Kinderschuhe (

  • durable and easy to use

  • the first precise measuring device - regardless of the brand and size of the shoe.

 With “plus 12” gauge you can:

  • measure the length of the feet (during measurement, a functional surplus is automatically added, i.e. 12 mm, and the size indicated is the recommended length of the inside of the footwear correctly fitted to the child's feet)

  • measure the inside length of the shoes.

 Who should buy the “plus 12” gauge?

  • parents/guardians who choose the size of new shoes for their children on their own and want to make sure the shoes are right for the length of the child's feet, which increases with time

  • shoe stores selling shoes for children (as an aid in choosing the right shoe size).

Made in Germany.


other products in this category:

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