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this product belongs to the group: Foot Morning

product code: 103_2002

product description:

Medical device: MEDI GEL SEPARATOR - gel toe spreader with a ring.
Application: For feet with deformed and overlapping toes and abrasions, corns on lateral surfaces of the toes.
Performance characteristics of the device: Supports treatment of afflictions related to the hallux valgus. Delicately corrects the position of the first toe, which may decrease pain and prevent increasing of the deformation. Moreover, it separates the first toe from the second one, preventing the toes from overlapping each other and prevents the formation of abrasions, blisters and corns. The ring enables stable holding of the separator on the foot. The product is made of delicate and durable medical gel, and thanks to its flexible properties it perfectly adjusts to the protected place.
Precautions and warnings: People with diabetes and blood supply disorders should consult a doctor before using the product.
Composition: Polymer gel, medical grade mineral oil.
Qty per pack: 1 piece.
Size: S, L.
Catalogue number: 103_2002.


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