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Stain Resist Water repellent spray for shoes

this product belongs to the group: Endees

product code: 158_1003_150

capacity: 150 ml

product description:

With this new generation water repellent, you will secure your shoes against water and grease in a flash. It perfectly protects natural non-patent and grain leather, as well as suede and nubuck. It is not suitable for patent leather. Thanks to its colourless formula, it preserves the colour of the impregnated surface.

Ecological Bag-on-value technology

The spray is safe not only for you and your shoes, but also for the planet. Thanks to the unique BOV technology it does not contain the harmful propane-butane gas.
Clear air is used to spay the water repellent, which additionally allows the bottle to be emptied in as much as 99%.

application method:

Spray the product onto clean shoes from a distance of approx. 20 cm. Wait 15 minutes and off you go!


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