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Super Color + Preparer

this product belongs to the group: Professional

product code: 04_1_5045_kolory podstawowe / 04_1_5046_kolory metaliczne

capacity: 25 ml +25 ml

product description:

A specially dye for natural and synthetic leather. Also is suitable for textiles. Dyes on any colour, even white on black. Color Dye has ability to cover small skin defects resulting from abrasions and scratches on footwear and leather accessories. Dyes and restores the color permanently.  Repels water. Does not crack or chip. Dyed leather is ready to use after 24 hours.

Art. no:

04_1_5045 _ primary colors

04_1_5046_ metallic colors

application method:

For natural leather :  before dyeing use Kaps Conditioner or Preparer. For synthetic leather: before dyeing use just Preparer. Stir the bottom of the bottle of dye with the paintbrush until getting a homogenous colour. With the paintbrush paint the joint between the sole and the leather, on sewings, scartches.Applay the brushstrokes of  dye on the sponge.Rub gently in a circular motion on all the surface to be dyed, applying another brushstroke, if necessary.  Continue this process until the sponge will be almost dry.Once the first coat is dry applay a second coat by repeating the operation to even up all the colour. Applay a third coat, if necessary. Once procedure is finished, wash the sponge and the paintbrush with water.


  Available colors


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